What is Sophro-Analysis?
I am currently the only practitioner of this 100% French technique in the US.
Sophro-Analysis of the prenatal, birth and childhood memories is a brief therapy (about fifteen sessions) that enables us to understand and transform the conscious and subconscious imprints of our sufferings and our repetitive and limiting patterns of life.
Guided by our soul or higher-self who knows and respects our psycho-emotional abilities, we can release the primal beliefs and strategies that have hampered us in life, no matter where the roots may be: prenatal life, memories from the past, birth, childhood, genealogy…
It is a complete and unique psychotherapeutic method. Each session leads to a release and transformation of patterns of thoughts and behaviors. This process of revival participates also in the enlightenment of hidden resources that then become available in everyday life.
This method is a concrete path to autonomy, self-realization, and openness of heart.
Many of our beliefs find their roots in the intrauterine life, or in the early stages of childhood. They are incorporated into the narrative of our personal lives. Although they can be either helpful or limiting they are mainly present in the subconscious. The ones we let go in Sophro-Analysis are the limiting ones such as: “I always feel that I don’t have any choice, I’m obliged to”, “I will never succeed”, “I don’t belong ”, “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t deserve to be loved”. In a never ending loop, we are consistently corroborating our beliefs, which then are generating behaviors, themselves resulting in emotions.
Sophro-Analysis is an invitation to greet our inner child. Pushed by its survival urges or needs of recognition, our inner child has subconsciously set up beliefs and has locked these emotions due to traumas or to the simple interdiction to express them. This therapy is a way to reconcile ourselves with our inner child and therefore to step out of the continuous loop of limiting beliefs.